Notif. No. FEMA -120/2005-RB dt. 07/07/04 Amended

Notification No: RBI Corrigendum to Notif No 120/2004 RB

GSR 338(E) In the Notification No. 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004 of Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Exchange Department Central Office published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3(i) vide GSR 757(E) dated November 19, 2004.

1). In sub-regulation (i) in Regulation 1 the word �(Amendment)� with the brackets thereto, and

2). The �Foot Note� at the end of the Notification shall be deleted.

That as rectified and modified as aforesaid, the Principal Regulations shall remain in full force and effect.

(F R Joseph)
Chief General Manager
Ozg FEMA Consultant
Ozg Consulting (P) Limited
